when your doctor says everything’s ”normal”


it’s time for a

completely different approach.


fix your gut app


the power of the

mind-body connEction

Diet & supplements are important, but the missing link is nervous system dysfunction - find out how to shift your body into a healing state to fast track your gut healing!

Contrary to what western medicine tells us, your body is an ECOSYSTEM - nothing gets ill, or heals in isolation - it’s ALL CONNECTED.

I struggled with gut issues alongside anxiey, depression, chronic fatigue, migraines and acne for most of my life.

I wish I had known this secret before spending decades and thousands of dollars trying so desperately to heal my gut and going in circles.

To get to where I am today, I had to make I significant changes to my mindset and heal my nervous system by adding some daily practices and setting more boundaries.

Working with Holly has been a blessing for me! I'm a tired Mom and just found it so overwhelming when I thought about changing things. I have been living  in survival mode, just grabbing whatever is convenient to eat. I have noticed some fantastic changes. I only take one of my acid reflux pills per day and my bowel movements are becoming more regular.  -Shannon Cyr

“I was in a rut, trying all the different diets and working out a lot. I could not lose the weight, but most importantly, I felt awful. I was bloated, constipated, extremely fatigued, and I lost all confidence. I have been working with Holly for 3 months and my world has changed! I have lost close to 10 pounds in a few months because I’m healing my gut! I no longer feel bloated and actually feel confident to take pictures at events again. I lost the stubborn weight I never could because I was not eating for my gut. I cannot recommend Holly more! I feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally!”

- Emily C.

why an app?

Online courses or monthly appointments just aren’t enough with our busy lifestyles.

With the FYG app you can:

take the guesswork out of gut healing: with a step by step plan that doesn’t involve long term restrictive diets!

discover powerful mind-body regulation practices to break through plateaus & heal even faster

build critical healthy habits that fast track your gut healing: including optimizing sleep, movement, meal prep, breath work and more.

stay motivated: daily reminders to check in with your body and do your daily gut healing practices & routines. Building new habits takes time.

Track your symptoms, mood energy and food and get insights with personalized reports

learn & heal on the go: life gets busy, learn and heal on your terms and schedule

take the stress out of meal prep: hundreds of gut friendly, mouth watering recipes

24/7 support when you need it most: access to 1:1 coaching support with yours truly

how the fyg app is unlike anything you’ve tried….

  • No more restrictive diets or cleanses, no counting calories or macros. Just realistic food habits to help you banish bloating and balance your gut microbiome so you can reintroduce those foods you’ve been missing!

  • A 4 step protocol of diet, supplements and daily practices to restore balance to your gut microbiome and heal IBS, bloating and food sensitivities.

  • All systems in your body and your mind are connected. You’ll discover daily habits that will boost your mood, energy, crush cravings and heal your gut faster than ever.

  • Find out how to balance your nervous system to shift into a healing state to fast track gut healing, prevent & manage gut flare ups. Including videos on breath work, yoga, guided meditations and gut centered hypnotherapy.

  • Gut healing can be overwhelming, frustrating and isolating. Get the dailiy support and guidance you need with 1:1 Coaching support with Holly or connect with your fellow FYG friends inside the community.

  • If your doctor has told you your tests are “fine” and says you have IBS, that’s not good enough. Find out why you have gut symptoms and how to heal.

  • Stop forcing and hating on your body and learn to listen and love it instead. Tune into your body’s needs for rest, physical and emotional nourishment.



Sign up for the Fix Your Gut Formula before AUGUST 1ST and qualify for FREE ACCESS TO THE App access once we launch!

Fix Your Gut Formula

Banish bloating, reverse food sensitivities & heal your gut in as little as 3 months using the 4 step program that I use with clients!

✓ Nutrition Coaching with Holly
✓ Personalized Gut Healing Plan
✓ Mind-Body Wellness: yoga, meditation, breath work, mindset
✓ 10 module video course with audio downloads
✓ Massive allergen-friendly recipe collection


Having struggled with IBS, constipation, food sensitivities, heartburn, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, allergies, chronic pain and migraines most of my life, I get it.

My lifelong struggles motivated me to find answers that the doctor couldn’t give me. I eventually decided to go to school for nutrition and obtained both a BA in Psychology and a BSc. in Applied Human Nutrition.

I’ve been successfully treating clients digestive health issues such as bloating, IBS, constipation, food sensitivities, and acid reflux for over 5 years.

In my practice, the most successful clients were those that were able to implement daily practices to support their nervous system and mental wellness. But many clients weren’t able to make these practices daily habits and continued to struggle with digestive symptoms despite doing “everything right”.

After experiencing the power of meditation, breath work and hypnotherapy myself, and how much it changed my life, I’m excited to be developing an app that will empowers you to actually heal, in a sustainable way that doesn’t involve cleanses and extreme diets. Welcome to the mindful way to heal your gut.


linda stelluti

certified clinical hypnotherapist

& Inner Mind Architect

Linda Stelluti, an expert gut-directed hypnotherapist, specializes in IBS and digestive disorders. With a foundation in evidence-based practices, Linda's unique approach focuses on repairing the brain-gut connection and regulating the nervous system to optimize digestive health.

Her brain-gut treatment reduces bloating, constipation, urgent bowel movements, abdominal pain, and cramping.

Beyond physical relief, Linda's holistic program is designed to empower you in managing stress, fostering a healthier relationship with food, and ultimately guiding you towards a harmonious state of mind and body.

Whether through personalized one-on-one sessions or her signature online program, Linda is dedicated to helping you have a mind-body transformation and having a more peaceful happy gut. 

I’m excited to announce that Linda will be sharing several mind-body healing resources inside the Fix Your Gut App including gut centered hypnotherapy recordings, affirmations and more!


unlock free access to my fix your gut app when you join the

fix your gut formula!